George Nissen, 1903

This weeks young inventor focus of the week is, George Nissen. This young man brought forth an invention that everyone at one point in their life has been on one. They bring out the kid in all of us. In 1930 as a 16 year old he watched a traveling circus and was amazed how the trapeze artists dismounted into a bouncing safety net after their routine. This led him thinking about how cool it would be if they could continue to perform more tricks if they could continue to bounce. Using his parents garage he created a piece of equipment he called a bouncing rig. He simply strapped a canvas sheet to a metal frame. He later added inner tubes between the canvas and the metal frame which eventually became springs. By now you must have figured out his invention was the Trampoline. The word Trampoline came from a Spanish word for diving board el trampolin. He added an e and registered Trampoline as a trademark for the invention. The Trampoline eventually became an Olympic sport at the 2000 Sydney Games. Thanks to this young man millions have enjoyed his idea in daily life.

How can you support someone or create that new idea that will impact the world?


Frank Epperson, 1905


Raising our youth with an Entrepreneurial spirit.