Young Inventor Focus of the Week

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Frank Epperson, 1905

This weeks young inventor focus of the week is Frank Epperson. Sometimes ideas come by pure luck or by accident. But it is what you do next that is important. In 1905, an eleven year old Frank Epperson invented the Popsicle. Frank was from San Francisco California where the young boy wanted something cold. According to the Popsicle Company he left a mixture of soda water with a stir stick outside and it froze.


George Nissen, 1930

This weeks young inventor focus of the week is, George Nissen. This young man brought forth an invention that everyone at one point in their life has been on one. They bring out the kid in all of us. In 1930 as a 16 year old he watched a traveling circus and was amazed how the trapeze artists dismounted into a bouncing safety net after their routine. This led him thinking about how cool it would be if they could continue to perform more tricks if they could continue to bounce.


Chester Greenwood, 1873

This weeks young inventor focus of the week is, Chester Greenwood. Sometimes the need can be as simple as cold ears. Chester Greenwood invented the earmuffs in 1873 at the age of 15. He came up with the idea while ice skating, he asked his grandmother to sew tufts of fur between loops of wire. He later improved them for ear protection. He went on to manufacture ear protectors, providing jobs in Maine for nearly 60 years. Greenwood went on to patent many other products including the tea kettle. His ideas had a significant impact economically on the region he grew up in. Plus it was a great idea to protect your ears in multiple ways. Youth have the ideas to improve our future, here again one simple example!


Thomas Alva Edison, 1847

It’s important to raise our youth with an entrepreneurial spirit! Our attitude and faith in our youth will determine our destiny. They are our future!

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Dawson Volker, 2013

Once a week I'm going to highlight an invention or product that was created by children. This first one effected me personally. My son came up with an idea when he was 12 that lead to keeping our manufacturing business open. The image on the left is an article that was on the front page of our local paper.

That simple idea lead to a product that ended up in 10 year manufacturing agreement with one of the worlds largest target companies.

Young Inventors change the world everyday!